April 19 - April 25
With Walnut and WildBoi
PLEASE NOTE: This gathering has been cancelled.
The Sanctuary is closed until further notice. Do not travel to the land.
If you have questions, please contact the gathering organizer.
VEUILLEZ NOTER: Ce rassemblement a été annulé.
Le sanctuaire est fermé jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Ne voyagez pas dans le pays.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter l’organisateur du rassemblement.
A CALL to Butch Faeries, Femme Faeries, and Radical Faeries of All Other Persuasions.
Folleterre and the wider community of Radical Faeries in Europe have experienced rapid and dramatic expansion in recent years. In combination with a changing climate, this expansion has placed a tremendous strain on both the social and physical infrastructures of our sanctuary.
This year, our annual spring work week will be focused on three infrastructure areas:
1. Spring related tasks on the land and in the garden.
2. Improvement of solar-electric infrastructure.
3. Completion of construction on our composting toilet.
4. As always, weaving the tapestry of our community through daily heart circles.
Faeries who feel called to
a)contribute to these projects
b) learn about these important skills and technologies,
c)support working faeries
are welcomed to the land for the ButchQueens Work Week of Spring 2020.
The Work Week will be followed by the annual meeting of the association Les Amis de Folleterre, the Great Circle. The weekend of 25-26 April will include, in addition to house, land, and garden work, opportunities for workshops about planning for the future of our community.