Folleterre needs money in order to function as it currently does and so that we can make it a better place.
We share this financial burden together. Money for Folleterre comes from gatherings, from monthly contributions, and from gifts from faeries. This money pays for our food, the costs of maintaining the land, insurance, taxes, telephone, new projects…
We have several principles for contributing at Folleterre. The first is NOTAFLOF: No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds. This means that if you can’t give any money, that’s fine, we would love to have you!
If you can give less than the suggested contribution, that’s fine as well! Some faeries consider that a form of NOTAFLOF, and others call that GAYABAGS: Give As You are Able But Always Give Something.
And if you can give more than the suggested contribution, then we politely ask you to invoke LOTAFLOF: if you have a LOT of money, pleAse FLOF it to us!
The suggested daily contribution for a stay at Folleterre is 20 to 40 euros per day. About half of 20 euros per day covers the cost of hosting someone on the land (food and fuel), and the other half is for maintenance, land management, and house projects, which are results of hosting people on the land. We always ask people to give more if they can, because some faeries can’t give the minimum daily contribution. Think of it as faerie solidarity.
To make the gatherings more affordable and spread the financial effort over all Faeries, some faeries choose to make a periodic “membership” contribution. This can be set up via a monthly, quarterly, or yearly payment from your own bank account, or via the PayPal button below, or by cash payment at a gathering.
Contribute by bank transfer:
The very best way to contribute to Folleterre is by electronic bank transfer. Since we make a lot of advance orders for gatherings, online contributions are more helpful than cash contributions at gatherings.
Faeries who live in the Euro-zone:
Please transfer to our Credit Mutuel Account
Les Amis de Folleterre, 70270 Ternuay, France
FR76 1027 8078 6100 0200 7620 160
UK Faeries: please transfer to our Cooperative Bank Account “Faerie UK – Folleterre”
Account Number: 65622203 Sort code: 08-92-99
IBAN: GB84 CPBK 089299 65622203 BIC: CPBK GB22
If you want to set up a monthly bank transfer, but your online bank does not allow standing orders to foreign accounts, consider creating a “payment with future date” for every month.
Faeries from outside the Eurozone: There’s PayPal and TransferWise.
TransferWise is a way to send money from your bank to ours and it charges a lower rate than banks do. Go to TransferWise, create an account, and follow the simple instructions to send money. Here is our bank’s information:
IBAN: FR76 1027 8078 6100 0200 7620 160
Set up a regular contribution via PayPal
Make a one time gift via PayPal
If you would like to transfer money to Folleterre using PayPal, use the button above or go to PayPal and “Send” to with the option “This is to friends or family.”
Consider ticking “I will pay the fee” when confirming your transaction.
Also, consider linking your bank account to PayPal rather than using your credit card. It will save you/us a lot of money.
Contact us for more information about our fundraising efforts.