Where is Folleterre?
When should I visit Folleterre?
What languages are spoken at Folleterre?
Can I visit Folleterre if I have a limited range of mobility or sensory impairment?
Is Folleterre open to all sexes, genders, and identities; are trans and queer people welcome?
Who owns Folleterre?
How is Folleterre organized?
Does Folleterre have permanent residents?
What do we know about the history of the land?
What do faeries eat? Do you grow your own food?
I have a food allergy or sensitivity; can I eat faerie food?
Is it secluded? Can we be naked and make noise?
What about drugs?
Can I bring my pet to Folleterre?
Can I take photographs at Folleterre?
I am a artist/photographer/film-maker/researcher/journalist, can I visit and make a project out of Folleterre?
How can I donate to Folleterre?
Question still not answered?

Where is Folleterre?
The land is located in the department of the Haute-Saone in the Franche-Comte region of eastern France. It is at the southern end of the Vosges mountains and borders one of the largest regional forests in France (les Ballons d’Alsace).


When should I visit Folleterre?
If it will be your first visit to Folleterre, you should come to a gathering. Gatherings are the liveliest times at the sanctuary, when you can meet people from many cultures, join in workshops, hold parties, share in heart circles, enjoy vegetarian feasts and revel in unlimited glamour! Some gatherings can be BIG and LOUD; other gatherings can be tiny and quiet. For more information, visit the Gatherings page.
If you have interest in visiting Folleterre outside of a gathering, you should contact visitor@folleterre.org in advance to make the appropriate arrangements.

Alone fae

What languages are spoken at Folleterre?
Faeries visit Folleterre from their homes in many countries, so many languages are spoken at Folleterre. While English is most universal, Dutch, German, and especially French are frequently spoken, and speakers of Spanish, Danish, Arabic, Slovakian, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Hebrew, and many other languages visit Folleterre.

Des fées de tous les pays visitent Folleterre, aussi de nombreux langages y sont parlés. Si l’anglais est le plus universel, l’allemand, le hollandais et le français sont fréquents … Puis l’espagnol, l’danois, l’arabe, le slovaque, l’italien, le grecque, le hongrois, l’hébreu et bien d’autres encore se parlent à Folleterre.


Can I visit Folleterre if I have a limited range of mobility or sensory impairment?
Yes, you will be welcome! Keep in mind that Folleterre has very primitive facilities for all visiting faeries, and exists in a remote, mountainous, and natural environment, but faeries are clever creatures and will go to great lengths to ensure that all persons can be welcomed on the land. If you have specific needs, or have any questions about facilities available on the land, we would love to speak with you before you visit the sanctuary.

apple press

Is Folleterre open to all sexes, genders, and identities; are trans*, genderqueer, and nonbinary people welcome?
Yes and Yes! Folleterre welcomes persons of all genders, sexualities, identities, and expressions. In our community, we work to ensure that trans* and queer persons feel welcomed and comfortable. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or feedback related to the experience of queer and trans* persons within our radical faerie community.


Who owns Folleterre?
Faeries. No person or persons own(s) the sanctuary. A French non-profit association (Association Loi de 1901) owns and operates the property. A Circle of faeries runs the association. A yearly meeting of the association, known as the Great Circle, is held each year.

Open door

How is Folleterre organized?
The Statutes of Les Amis de Folleterre can be found here.
We have a continual call for all faeries who want to help develop Folleterre to step forward as active members of the association and as Stewards.
Active members of the association Les Amis de Folleterre are faeries who are willing to participate in the yearly consensus-making that takes place in the Great Circle.
At the Great Circle each year, the members will:
• choose the members who form the Steward Circle and facilitate daily operations
• approve the financial report and annual budget for the association
• decide on any changes to the statutes and rules of the association, as well as other important decisions put forth by members to the Great Circle.

Stewards are members who want to be part of the Steward Circle, the association’s day-to-day working committee. They make a commitment of time and energy, and meet together on a regular basis to get things done on the land and in the community.
The Stewards are accountable to the members via the Great Circle. The members empower the Stewards to make things work between Great Circles. No one will ever be turned away from the Sanctuary, from Membership, from any Circle, or from any event on the land for lack of funds.

Does Folleterre have permanent residents?
Faeries are present at Folleterre throughout much of the fair-weather months of Spring, Summer, and Fall when most gatherings are held. Winter conditions in the region (mountainous, snowy) make year round habitation extremely difficult.


What do we know about the history of the land?
Prior to the founding of Folleterre, the land had belonged to the Gullier family for some time. The patriarch of the family resided on the land into old age and died in January of 2005 at the age of 96. The land was actively farmed by the family for many years, with four cows and a garden in recent memory. Like many homes in the area, the farm was destroyed during World War II and rebuilt in 1955.


What do faeries eat? Do you grow your own food?
Cooking at Folleterre is communal and vegetarian. There is a large vegetable garden and many fruit trees at Folleterre. The bounty of the gardens makes its way right into the kitchen and bellies of hungry faeries.


I have a food allergy or sensitivity; can I eat faerie food?
Communal meals are an essential part faerie gatherings, and kitchen faeries will work hard to prepare vegetarian or vegan meals that everyone can enjoy. However, if you have severe allergies or follow an extremely specific diet, you should consider bringing some of your own essential supplies, and should be prepared to prepare some meals yourself. If you have food needs or requests, please inform the gathering organizers in advance.


Is it secluded? Can we be naked and make noise?
Folleterre is nestled in a valley with no neighbors within sight or (we believe) within earshot. However, the surrounding forests are a popular recreation area and there will always be foot traffic. We have had no problems so far being naked, drumming and singing.


What about drugs?
We want to remind all visitors of Folleterre that France does not tolerate the possession or use of any psychotropic substance other than alcohol or properly prescribed medication. Therefore the association Les Amis de Folleterre does not endorse such use.
As for alcohol: even there, we ask everyone to be aware of possible sensitivities amongst those that have suffered abuse issues in the past. Please be mindful about alcohol consumption and kindly refrain from offering alcohol to others.

Can I bring my pet to Folleterre?
Pets can be problematic at gatherings, so a decision to allow your pet(s) will be taken depending on your own circumstances and on the needs of others who may be joining the Gathering.

Please contact us or  the organizer of your gathering in advance if you wish to bring a pet.


Can I take photographs at Folleterre?
There is longstanding consensus that photos taken during gatherings should be shared only with those who were there. There are many talented faerie photographers, and during gatherings there are so many beautiful faeries to photograph, but please be conscious not to let your photography interrupt the gathering, and you should seek consent from the faeries who you photograph.


I am a artist/photographer/film-maker/researcher/journalist, can I visit and make a project out of Folleterre?
Many faeries are artists, and much artwork is created on the land of Folleterre Sanctuary. While you, like any person, will still be welcomed at the sanctuary to join faerie gatherings or learn about faerie culture, without explicit consent from the community, you should not plan to complete any outside projects at the Sanctuary.

sacred faerie space

How can I give money to Folleterre?
Please see our Contribution page for details, and feel free to contact us or email gifts@folleterre.org if you have any questions.

Question still not answered?
Please contact us. We’re always happy to answer questions!