NOTE: If you do not want to use email, you may also submit an application for membership on paper at Folleterre containing all of the information below and a signature.
Folleterre is owned by a law 1901 non-profit association in France called Les Amis de Folleterre. Associations need members. Our bylaws allow for two kinds of members: community members and active members.
Community members are those who identify as part of the community. If you do, then you are!
Active members are those whose names appear on our official paperwork, and get a few rights in the association, like being able to fully participate in the consensus-making process at the Great Circle. A complete description of our consensus-making process can be found in our Folleterre Empowerment Through Cooperation Handbook.
If you have been to a gathering before, gone home, and come back to Folleterre (or plan to), you can join our list of active members. Submit this form below and your active membership will last for 365 days or until the next Great Circle. See you at the next Great Circle!