May 25 - June 2
With Cocotte & Meadowsweet
Youhou les fees Radis-Kale !
Folle Terre is calling you …
Calling all garden Gnomes and Ortie culture fans …Finocchios e Mariposa…Magical creatures and humanoids GMO.
Welcome seeds of whimsy and sprouts of wisdom (Snap dragon et trans patate,Clematis et dandelions )
Bienvenues aux fées en herbes et aux fleurs de bitume en manque de verdure.
Can you hear the call ?
Do you sense the invitation to tend our new world all together?
Can you feel the need to root our dreams and seed our practises of love and cooperation and to celebrate biodiversity?
When May becomes June, it’s time to make new beds on our sacred land, to give roots to our dreams of abundance, fertilize our visions.
To cast a spell of beauty.
To invite flowers, greens and veggies on our tables this season.
To make a play ground for bees and butterfly.
Let’s celebrate our big interconnected sensual world.
Come and share your secret garden in the magic of Heart cercles . Let,s crosspollinise !
Let’s compost our shit.
Come harvest the morning dew and cook potions from the land.
Come share, play ,work , build ,learn, rest and grow.
Come to the garden !
La terre est folle d’amour!
Gros Bisous
Meadowsweet & Cocotte