April 14 - April 21
With Walnut & HowMany?
Welcome all Faeries: butchqueens and otherwise.
This year we will open the house in preparation for another busy season of gatherings. Like all community weeks, we will share the work and love that are essential for keeping things going at Folleterre, and will share wonderful meals, warm baths, massage, and heart circles to support our labor for the community.
We will have a variety of projects with achievable goals, some of which can be finished within one week.
For example:
–Finishing the Hospitality Suite ceiling and (maybe) painting the room (*this means no sleeping in the hospitality suite will be possible during this week*).
–Cleaning and Preparing the house to host many faeries throughout the year
–Repairs to the electricity system so we can have regular lighting in the house again
–Installation of plumbing and water purification system in the breakfast barn.
–Planting new Hazelnut (and possibly other fruit and nut trees) in their permanent homes
–Opening the vegetable, herb, and flower gardens for the year.
The MOST IMPORTANT projects on the land this year will be directed towards our basic services and sanitation, including construction of the new Tower, and improvement of our water system.
While it is still wet season at Folleterre, we will install a new water storage tank above the house. This will require some group work, especially a group of many faeries to carry our new tank to its location above the house. It will be a beautiful ritual—a group of faeries supporting a great vessel of water.
If some of these projects seem interesting to you, please contact us. If none of them seem interesting but you would still like to join, thats great too! Working faeries need all the help and support they can find during community weeks, and all faeries will benefit from your presence.